CMS approved 2019
MIPS qualified Registry

Understanding basic terminology - MACRA, QPP and MIPS

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) implemented the Quality Payment Program (QPP) as a part of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA). This program will provide new tools and resources that will enable the qualifying provider deliver the best possible, highest-value care. There are two tracks to choose from under QPP.

Providers can choose how to participate in QPP depending on practice size, specialty, location or patient population. We will provide you with all the material you need to understand QPP better.

MIPS participation and impact

It is essential that you submit data to the CMS if you qualify for the MIPS program. Based on your performance in 2018, you may receive a positive, neutral or negative adjustment of up to 5% to your Medicare payments. This percentage increases to a potential of 9% in 2022. The submitted data will be scored and published. Submitting quality data will help the provider maintain a good public record.

We will guide you through every step of this process

MIPS resources

We will stay updated and informed to make sure we simplify the process for you. Educational materials will be posted in an easy to understand format. Updates and relevant information published by CMS will also be available in a downloadable form.

Customized Roadmap prepared just for your practice

We will guide you through every step of the process. A customized roadmap will be created with the data you provide that will help you navigate the MIPS process with ease. Our goal is to simplify this process for you so you can concentrate on providing care to your patients.

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